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深圳市展业达鸿美国DSC PET/IEC









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发表于 2019-11-5 12:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
深圳市展业达鸿科技有限公司经营美国DSC PET/IEC,美国DSC PET/IEC-BODY/P躯干模体
  • 深圳市展业达鸿科技有限公司
  • 联系人:钱明月
  • 电话: 13673459280
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  • 邮编:585000
  • 地址:深圳市福田区八卦岭工业区615栋419
    美国DSC PET/IEC-BODY/P躯干模体主要特点:-PET/IEC-BODY/P躯干模体套装由一副躯干模体、一副肺部插件及一个具有六个不同尺寸球体的插件组成 The NEMA IEC Body Phantom Set™ consists of a body phantom, a lung insert and an insert with six spheres with various sizes-PET/IEC-BODY/P躯干模体依据国际电工委员会(IEC)的推荐规范设计,并由美国电气制造商协会(NEMA)修改而成。 It is designed in accordance with the recommendations by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and modified by the National Electrical manufacturers Association (NEMA)-该模体被推荐用于全身PET成像中对于重建图像质量的评估 It is recommended for use in the evaluation of reconstructed image quality in whole body PET imaging 美国DSC PET/IEC-BODY/P躯干模体主要应用领域:-符合美国电气制造商协会(NEMA) 2012标准Complies with NEMA 2012 Standard-对全身影像、尤其是使用PET系统及基于相机的符合成像技术建立的影像进行模拟 Simulation of whole-body imaging especially using PET and camera-based coincidence imaging techniques-对全身PET及基于相机符合成像所重建的影像质量进行评估 Evaluation of reconstructed image quality in whole body PET and camera-based coincidence imaging-测定脑部及心脏成像的符合计数率特征 Determination of the coincidence count rate characteristics in brain and cardiac imaging-评估真符合计数率及放射性活度之间关系 Evaluation of the relationship between true coincidence count rate and radioactivity-确定由地址堆积引起的地址错误 Determination of the address errors caused by address pile up-评估计数损失校准方案 Evaluation of the count loss correction scheme-科研应用 Research 美国DSC PET/IEC-BODY/P躯干模体规格:-模体内部长度:180 mm Interior length of phantom: 180 mm-可填充的球体(6个)内径分别为:10 mm, 13 mm, 17 mm, 22 mm, 28 mm及37 mm  Fillable spheres (6) inner diameter: 10 mm, 13 mm, 17 mm, 22 mm, 28 mm, and 37 mm.-从球面到内壁的距离:70 mm Distance from sphere plane to inside wall: 70 mm-模体空量容积:9.7L Volume of empty cylinder: 9.7 liters线光源插件规格:圆柱体插件规格:-外径:51mm Outside diameter: 51 mm-长度:180mm Length: 180 mm
    美国DSC PET/IEC-BODY/P躯干模体 信息由深圳市展业达鸿科技有限公司发布在中国医药、保养网站,
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